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Group Yoga for the Win

We’ve all heard the vast benefits of group yoga for physical and mental health, but it’s hard to truly get it until you experience it yourself. I have only been doing yoga consistently for about five months now, but it didn’t take long for me to get the hype. Here’s why.

1. Group Yoga Forced me to Meditate

Learning to meditate on your own can be challenging. It was for me. I wanted to be the type of person who mediates, but I kept putting it off until a later that never came.

Group yoga begins and/or ends with a guided meditation. It is not announced, it’s just worked into the practice. So there is no pressure, just the gift of a moment in time that can be whatever you want it to be.

I had one of the most profound experiences of my life in a post-yoga meditation. That’s a whole other story that I may tell here one day, but for now, let’s just say that I am beyond convinced of its power.

2. It Broke My Ego

It didn’t happen overnight, but after a month or so, I started noticing that I was evolving. Here’s a small example of what I mean.

The yoga studio I go to has large picture windows, but they are covered with blackout curtains to give the room a dark and moody vibe. I prefer the space to be completely free of sunlight, but sometimes the curtains let the sun peek through too much, ruining the vibe.

That minor ‘inconvenience” annoyed me. I wanted it my way!

But then, suddenly, one day, as I was complaining in my head, I felt a shift. I found myself thinking, “It’s not all about you, Ashley, you are not the only person in this room. Somebody else in here may have opened it to their liking. Why should it be your way??”

In the nicest way, I had spent years shaping my surroundings to be precisely how I wanted, not always considering others. Right then and there, I was able to check myself and let go of those feelings.

I was comfortable being uncomfortable- happy to be present and open- just like that. At the flip of an unplanned switch.

group yoga mediates

3. it Pushed me past my own limits

Over the years, like a lot of us, I’ve made several attempts to take up yoga in my living room, but it just never stuck. In group yoga, I am surrounded by people who share the same interest. I can follow the lead of those around me when I can’t see the teacher or don’t know the pose yet.

The group setting inspires me to keep up the pace and push myself when it gets tough. In the beginning weeks, there were several occasions where I found myself unexpectedly emotional during the most intense part of the workout. Why was I crying right now??

Because it was hard! And I was doing it! And the music compels emotion. The tears came out of nowhere, and I had to stop myself from a full-on sob.

I like to think it was fear and negativity leaving my body. Happy tears because I was breaking internal boundaries.

group yoga

4. Group yoga taught me how to breathe

I know how this sounds. Who doesn’t know how to breathe?? Me, apparently. I never realized there was a “right” way.

Instead of mouth breathing or pushing air out through my nostrils, I learned to breathe out from my chest. It’s called an ujjayi breath. I didn’t understand it right away, and it took practice to make it a habit.

I’ve been doing group yoga 2-3 times a week for about five months now, and just this week, I caught myself taking deep breaths to fight off creeping anxiety. And it was working!

My yoga practice has seamlessly translated into my daily life without a conscious effort.

5. yoga Gives me a regular sense of accomplishment

Learning new poses is easy, but perfecting them takes work. And yoga practice is just that, practice.

When I first started, I had to pull my leg forward manually when moving into certain positions. Eventually, I was flexible and coordinated enough to get that leg in place with ease. My advancement was measurable.

My reflexes, balance, and mindfulness have noticeably improved as well. Although, admittedly, I still have a long way to go in the balance department.

Ultimately, I have achieved all of this because I committed to attending group yoga 2-3 times a week. My gym offers classes included with the membership, and compared to private yoga classes, the gym is definitely the best value.

For me, the accountability factor of not letting my membership go to waste plays a big part in my dedication to group yoga. Like many of us, being held accountable is sometimes the push I need to follow through.

If you have been thinking about becoming a yogi, let group yoga be the push you need. You never know what you might discover in yourself while you’re in your practice!

And most of all, it’s fun!! Have fun with it. Don’t be too hard on yourself when getting started. Laugh it off when – not if – you fall, stumble, and can’t keep up. Just jump back in when you catch your breath. I promise we’ve all been there.

Random Tips For Beginners

This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission at no cost to you if you make a purchase through a link. I will only share products I have used, researched, and/or trust.

  • Get yourself a comfy pair of yoga pants. I like these ones that have pockets and a full-length leg. My friends and I all have several pairs and love them.
  • A fitted shirt is most comfortable. T-shirts and loose crop tops ride up and fall into your face, which can be a distraction. If the t-shirt is big enough, you could tie it at the bottom to make it snug.
  • You’ll want an insulated water bottle, especially for hot yoga. I use one like this because it’s easy to carry by the handle.
  • Yoga is done barefoot! I got caught my first time with busted-up toes (which, whatever, but still) so just be aware of that.
  • Comfy slides or sandals are the easiest to wear to class and will save time and effort. Plus, you’ll feel like an official yogi.
  • Most gyms offer basic yoga mats, but many of them get slippery once you start sweating. Bring a large towel or yoga mat cover that will give you some grip.
  • If you want to splurge on your own yoga mat, I love mine from LuLuLemon (a gift bc I’m way too frugal.) But now that I have it, I get the hype. I have this one (no affiliate)
  • I LOVE tracking my workouts with my apple watch. I gotta close those rings!

And perhaps most importantly, Don’t worry about being judged as a newbie. Yoga practice requires so much concentration, people aren’t really looking around. Just do your best and celebrate yourself. You got this.

yoga pose

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  1. Wow this was an excellent post. I have been trying to get into yoga, but I can never find the motivation to stick to it. Reading about the actual changes it made for you, it’s so inspiring. Thank you for putting this together and for sharing your experience. People need to read this!

    1. This makes me so happy to hear! I tried for so long too, but the group setting was the game-changer. It gave me some accountability, which is what I thrive on

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