a Snapshot of who I am

Houston Based, but all over the place

I am settled down in the suburbs for now, but I have lived in more places than I can count throughout my life. That’s not a bad thing. I have experienced so many different walks of life, from the lowest of lows to the luxurious. 

I have been lucky enough to have found friends who love me. Family members who have always been there for me. And now a husband whose family I adore. 

My favorite pastime (like many of us) is travel. My aunt took me along on many vacations in my youth. I had a job in my twenties that paid for extravagant vacations and friends with who I have traveled the country. 

I’ve spent my life-consuming books, fiction, nonfiction, magazines, and endless articles here on the inter webs. All of that information has stuck with me and built the person I am today. How else does one learn about the world and inherit personality traits outside of the home? 

I have some internal struggles. Highs and lows that come and go. But a positive outlook keeps me going. 

Anywho, I am here to share my experiences, but mostly I am here to follow my own advice. Maybe if I type it here and make it public, I will practice what I preach more thoroughly and consistently.

I’ll edit this down later, but for now, it stays. Cheers to actually being peachy instead of just being sarcastic about it!

A. Marie